Clifton Slipways
Gravesend, KENT
In July 2020, planning approval was granted for Clifton Slipways, a contemporary mixed-use project on West Street in Gravesend, which promises to ensure a long-awaited riverside regeneration becomes a reality.
It seeks to unlock a strategic brownfield site and is intended to act as a catalyst for further investment in the town centre.
The mixed-use development will include:
- A £2.9 million restoration of Gravesend’s lost heritage asset, West Street Pier – a derelict Victorian pier, which has been in disrepair for half a century.
- A start-up business hub at Pier Works, as well as 2,600 sq. m of new public realm and the creation of over 100 long-term jobs.
- 236 apartments in two buildings, including a landmark residential tower overlooking the Thames.
- New and improved flood defences to protect Gravesend.

“Clifton Slipways can be at the heart of the regeneration of Gravesend, providing significant investment of over £4.3m to be secured by s106 and making the best use of this derelict site to create a landmark development and more than half an acre of riverside public space that will reconnect the town and its people with the Thames.”
Development Director, Quinn Estates
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