Cottington Park
Deal, KENT
Cottington is a vision for a highly sustainable, mixed-use community in deal.
The proposal at Cottington has been designed to contribute significantly and at speed to the delivery of housing numbers in Deal and Dover through the creation of a high quality, low carbon community.
This is the most sustainable location of any new development, allocated or unallocated, and closest to the town centre of any site.
The vision is to create the most sustainable development in the South East set adjacent to the 230- acre Betteshanger Country Park to create a green lung of circa 500-acres, one of the largest areas of publicly accessible green space in the region.
The housing includes the delivery of 30% affordable units and thus supports all members of the community.
The scheme proposes circa 500 new dwellings comprising 1,2,3,4 and 5 bed houses and apartments, helping to meet existing and future needs of the district.
The potential delivery of self-builds/custom builds in a district with an unmet need for this style of housing delivery.
The housing will be integrated with schools, health, local services, education and green infrastructure.
Cottington supports Dover’s transition to a low carbon economy through implementing green measures to individual homes but also across the wider site through adopting the latest green technology, including battery storage, to lead the way in sustainable development.

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