Merton Park
Canterbury, KENT
An exemplar of mixed-use development, on a highly sustainable site closer to central canterbury than any other site, delivering accelerated and sustainable growth.
Quinn Estates, in partnership with the landowners, are driving forward a mixed-use development.
With deliverability a key component of the decision making process, Merton Park is exceptionally well placed to be able to deliver significant housing, early in the plan period.
The Quinn Estates ethos of creating significant community betterment is evident at Merton Park with new state-of-the-art facilities proposed for Canterbury Rugby Club.

"We are convinced that a single specialist acute hospital for the whole of East Kent is long overdue. Only this will attract the high-quality specialist consultants, surgeons and nursing staff that our people need. This hospital has got to be in the centre of East Kent. This means Canterbury. The Kent and Canterbury has done wonderful service over the years, but its buildings are old and cannot be transformed into a fit-for-purpose modern hospital. The only chance of getting the best outcome for East Kent, given the financial problems of the NHS, is to accept the offer of a brand- new building by Quinn Estates. We have good reason to take the offer seriously, as has the NHS and we support this proposal to construct the new hospital building."
Chair of the Option 2 Group
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